If you'd like a really clear, concise description of the Durbin Interchange Amendment, including its background and analysis on the latest development, Federal Judge Richard Leon's interchange price rollback decision earlier this month, I recommend "The Dick Durbin Debit Card Fiasco," by Richard Epstein.
Mr. Epstein, who worked as a legal consultant on a failed constitutional challenge to the Amendment, provides an insider's perspective on Durbin--who the parties involved in interchange actually are, how the funds flow and why Durbin is bad law and worse policy. To read the full article, visit "Defining Ideas," a publication of the Hoover Institution. http://www.hoover.org/publications/defining-ideas/article/153401.
Mr. Epstein, who worked as a legal consultant on a failed constitutional challenge to the Amendment, provides an insider's perspective on Durbin--who the parties involved in interchange actually are, how the funds flow and why Durbin is bad law and worse policy. To read the full article, visit "Defining Ideas," a publication of the Hoover Institution. http://www.hoover.org/publications/defining-ideas/article/153401.